Thursday, September 15, 2016

Neural Networks

Today we focused on analogies for our morning Jumpstart.   Students learned to create bridge sentences to clarify the relationship in the word pairs.  Then they used the bridge sentence to choose the accompanying pair with the same relationship.  Analogies will be our focus during this time for the next several weeks as we look in detail at different types of analogies and relationships.

We began our Jacob's Ladder reading curriculum today with the fable of The Ant and the Dove by Aesop.  This curriculum has students work through  different rungs of analysis and understanding as they climb the "ladder".  Today we focused on sequencing and summarizing as well as cause and effect and overall implications of character actions.  Next week we will revisit this text to consider details, classifications, and generalizations.

In math, we reviewed our measurement posters from last week and toured the ruler, focusing on techniques to ensure precision in length measurements.  Students measured and compared several different items around the room to practice this skill and work on rounding to the nearest unit as well as identify potential hazards to accuracy.  Next week we will look at our own body measurements to begin to build benchmarks for estimation.

Our mindset focus today was on neural networks of the brain.  Students acted as neurons and passed messages from classmate to classmate.  They discovered that they were no match for the nervous system.  We also used an increasing thickness of string to demonstrate how pathways strengthen with use and can make it easier for their brain to access and recall information with continued practice.  We wrapped up with A Walk in the Rain with a Brain by Edward Hallowell.  Our advice from the brain was to treat "smart" as a misleading word when talking about intelligence.
Strong neural network

Wimpy neural network

Finally, in our Games for Learning time, we were introduced to Chess, it's origins, and the key players on the board.  I am so happy to see that the students' enthusiasm is matching my own!  We will spend several weeks  building our background knowledge and becoming familiar with the rules of play, although I am not sure how long I will be able to hold them off!

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